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What is the Boiling Point of Technetium?

The Boiling Point of Technetium is 4877°C

What is the Melting Point of Technetium?

The Melting Point of Technetium is 2172°C

What is the Ionic Radius of Technetium?

The Ionic Radius of Technetium is --

Who discovered Technetium?

Technetium was discovered by Carlo Perrier, Émillo Segrè.

What period is Technetium located?

Technetium is in the Period 5.

What block is Technetium located?

Technetium is located in the D Block block.

What does the name Technetium come from?

Greek: technêtos (artificial).

What is the electronegativity of Technetium?

Technetium has an electronegativity of 1.9.

What are the orbitals of Technetium?

The orbitals of Technetium are [Kr] 4d5 5s2.